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Vayikra Class-  6th Grade Mitzvot and Tzedakah Work

The Vayikra Class has spent their year studying Mitzvot, Tzedakah and a variety of Halachot; Commandments, Charity and Jewish Law.  The students have studied the tenants of a variety of Jewish practices that they will take on as they approach becoming a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah.  Each student has chosen a community service project that they will initiate and implement during the next year to support populations in need.  We have studied tenants from Torah, Talmud and Mishnah that depict concepts and provide text to many current social justice issues.  Many current topics have been centered around anti-semitism and cultural/ racial bias, researching events of ethnic and religious oppression and persecution in present day refugee and internment camps.   Learning about global issues relating to these humanitarian conflicts and violations enables the students to learn about new populations beyond their immediate daily lives.  Below are links to videos that we have shared in class centered around humanitarian issues and Jewish celebrations.  Please also check the Vayikra blog for more specific resources that our class uses for their routine work.  


Misty Copland and 31 Ballerina Pals Dance in a Mesmerizing Video for Covid-19 Relief

Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra Shares Passover Coronavirus Medly




Celebrate Earth Day 2021 - April 22- April 24 with virtual events from Earthsky.  Have fun while learning about ways to care for our planet!

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Shmot Class-  4/5 Grade Tikkun Olam Work

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The Shmot Class has spent their year studying the Jewish practice of Tikkun Olam-  Repairing the World.   The students have studied the effects of climate change through a variety of mechanisms and discussed ways that they might have a personal impact and enlist others to make a contribution to mitigating global warming for our future.  As a class, we also center this study through a Jewish lens, using resources from the Talmud and Torah along with many other current resources.  We also learn about Israel's contribution to the global community as it has faced many environmental challenges in its short history.  Israel's leadership within the field of sustainability and conservation has been profound as its technological invention pioneers new methodologies in the field as well.  Below are links to videos that we have shared in class centered around the environmental issues and Jewish celebrations.  Please also check the Shmot blog for more specific resources that our class uses for their routine work.  


Making a Home Composter

Milk Jug Rain Barrels

What is Yom Ha'Atzmaut?- Israel Independence Day

When You Believe - One Voice Children's Choir in Normandy- Commemoration of the Soldiers who died in the D-Day Invasion and Holocaust survivors- in English, Hebrew and French

Purim Groggers from Reyclables

Our Planet- Fresh Water

Our Planet- Grasslands and Deserts

Israeli Innovation Helping Implement the UN's Sustainable Developmental Goals

Recent Oil Spill in Israel


Welcome to my page.  There will be regularly updated resources here for students and families.  You can see class specific content related to current work on my blog.

7th Graders focus on HIV for final Tzedakah project this year.  The students are focusing on raising funds for AIDS United to support the research, treatment and prevention of AIDS and HIV.

The 7th graders are dedicated to their last Tzedakah project this year. They have decided to raise funds for AIDS United. It is ironic that they had chosen this cause because they wanted to assist with something of a global pandemic nature that affected people of all cultures, all ages, and all socio-economic means. At the time they chose this cause and organization they had no idea that we would be facing another pandemic.



AIDS United/ Donate Now

Learn more about current projects rom AIDS United in the links below.

AIDS United Supports the Equality Act

AIDS United/ Black Women and HIV

AIDS United/ Increasing Access to Treatment in Rural Communities



Yom HaAtzmaut-  Israel celebrates 72 years of independence.   This video provides a historical look at the birth of the state of Israel and celebrations over the past several decades. 

"In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles."
-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion


Technion Celebrates Israel 2020


Dancing on Balconies 2020


Yom HaAtzmaut/ Video on history and celebration


Yom HaAtzmaut DIY Activities for Families/ Projects you can work on in your yard or in your home.


Hallelujah- Portnoy Brothers 2020


Tikkun Olam- Earth Day's 50th Anniversary

" ...To Work it and watch over it."    (Genesis 2:1 )

Earth Day Video- 50th Anniversary (enjoy this 15 minute activity spending time outdoors to connect with nature)


Earth Day 2020- Unify Livestream (Where we are now, and where we began with Earth Day- 1970.  How the quarantine is providing time to rethink our future.)

When You Believe/ One Voice Children's Choir

Watch this beautiful video of the One Voice Children's Choir perform "When You Believe", filmed on location at Omaha Beach and Brittany American Cemetery and Memorial in Normandy France.  Performed in English, Hebrew and French, this song is dedicated to soldiers who fought in WWII, at Normandy's Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword Beaches in the D-Day Invasion, and to the millions who lost their lives during the Nazi Holocaust.


Kids Try Passover Seder

Enjoy this video showing different children responding to facts and questions about the seder from HiHo kids!


The Four Sons Video Haggadah for Your Seder


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784