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Eight Nights of Hallmark Hanukah (December 2018)

On the lighter side, some of you know that I watch a good amount of television, and I love to talk about the shows I watch. I happen to watch Hallmark movies. My mom got me into them and they’re something that we share and love to talk about.

It’s hard to find anything but Christmas movies on Hallmark this time of year, so it was gratifying to read that the network has plans in the works to produce a series of Chanukah movies for next year. In her tongue-in-cheek piece Sarah Rosenthal proposes eight plot lines for the “ultra-goyishe” (her term, not mine, but let’s face it, it’s true) network. Her plot descriptions read much like the plots of many of the actual Hallmark movies, so as a fan, I found them to be cleverly creative, or creatively clever. Enjoy!

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785